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Mini hydel plant powers 100 houses in South Waziristan’s Badar valley

  • September 08, 2018

A micro hydel power plant has been built in Giga Khel in South Waziristan’s Badar valley.

It was inaugurated by Pakistan Army officials Saturday. The plant can generate 15 KVA and will provide electricity to 80 to 100 houses.

It works with a water channel of 1,750 ft and a turbine and 15KW alternator. Electric pylons and wires have been extended to nearby villages. Each house will get an uninterrupted supply of electricity at a cost of Rs100 per month.

The amount charged from locals will be used to maintain the plant.

A large number of elders and villagers came to the inauguration and greatly the appreciated the effort. The micro hydel power plant in Giga Khel is the first of several such projects to tap the potential of the area.

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