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WOW! Babies are smarter than we think

  • May 09, 2017

-File photo -The New Yorker

WEB DESK: Crawling, giggling and yawning sweetly, we all love the tiny movements of babies. It feels pleasant to spend time with the little ones. The fun part is when we talk to them and they try to answer even when they don’t know how to speak. 

But have you ever thought how they respond on any happening around them? It is because they are smarter than we think.

They know a language is being spoken



Adults may found it difficult to learn a new language but they don’t. The four month old babies can figure out from visual cues when they hear a different is being spoken, A study of University of British Columbia stated. Also, the babies who born in bilingual families can have more potential to learn different languages than the ones who doesn’t.

Understanding emotions



According to a study published in Developmental Psychology, little ones can easily figured out when a sound is aggressive or friendly when they were exposed to the photos of Fido.

Sense of fairness



They have a complete sense of fairness and whether the things that are being given to them are equally distributed or not? A University of Washington done a research and watch results in a video where milk and crackers were distributed to the babies. In the video, it was observed that babies were more concerned over unequal distribution.

 Value of altruism



The value of altruism was found in babies when they were recorded sharing their crackers. The toddlers have extra puppets and crackers and it is surprising to see that toddlers had preferred sharing their crackers with puppets.

Source: Reader’s Digest  


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